The Republican Convention in Cleveland pleasantly surprised me. Contrary to the “gloom and doom” predicted by the “establishment” soothsayers lurking around media outlets for months, the convention actually conveyed a considerable degree of OPTIMISM and UNITY despite the terrible mess America and the world are in.

The countless pre-convention predictions of mass conflict, social unrest and rioting in the streets were hollow as none of this happened. And I’m certain the vindictive elites were greatly disappointed.

Not to worry though. My prediction is these disruptions will be the mainstay of the upcoming Dummycrat Convention. The chaos in the streets in Philadelphia could make the 1968 convention in Chicago look like a “warm-up” act. Expect George Soros funded “Black Lives Matter” to be the “main event”.

Back in Cleveland, the “Never Trump Movement” attempting to free up delegates to vote against “The Donald” failed miserably. It was quickly defeated in the Rules Committee the first day of the convention. No doubt Utah Senator Mike Lee and his delusional band of “Ted Heads” left with their tails between their legs.

Although the media amplified “floor fight” involving the remnant of Cruz delegates was intended to give viewers an impression of significant party division, in reality it was a minor distraction. The fact is, the “peoples’ candidate” Donald Trump EASILY acquired the requisite number of delegates and then some.

It’s too bad the globalist elite think they’re “God’s gift to humanity”. If these arrogant plutocrats were so smart, then why didn’t the “Mittens” Romney-Jeb! Bush funded “Never Trump Movement” ever get off the ground? Perhaps that’s why these testosterone free “gutless wonders” never showed up at the convention.

Outside the arena, an overwhelming presence of disciplined police officers did an exceptional job of keeping the peace. There was no evidence of the usual minimally compensated “bussed-in” protesters and activists trained to incite race riots with hopes of triggering martial law as relentlessly hyped by the presstitutes weeks before. With the exception of a handful of self-proclaimed “communists” hassling alternative media guru and Infowars titular head Alex Jones (http://www.infowars.com/), Cleveland was a quiet city during convention week.

Unlike any GOP convention I can recall dating back to 1960, this convention provided a venue for “Team Trump” to take a wrecking ball to the “Luciferian Kingdom” created by the globalists during the past century. Clearly, the “America First” movement is alive and well, and is ready to do mortal combat with the rat bastard globalist elite who are hell bent on destroying America and Western civilization.

Following are some convention highlights:

David Clarke Jr.: The Milwaukee County Sheriff nailed “community disorganizer” Obama and his DOJ comrades to the wall for throwing law enforcement under the bus and embracing his new found “home grown” terrorist group, Black Lives (Don’t) Matter. And despot Obama can’t hide behind racism because Sheriff Clarke is black which is PRICELESS.

Ben Carson: Dr. Carson made a compelling case why “Hitlary” must never be president. He described Clinton’s affinity for left-wing activist Saul Alinsky and his infamous book, “Rules for Radicals”. His book has become the anti-God/anti-American template for modern activists such as Clinton and Obama. Carson also highlighted that Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer, the original rebel.

Chris Christie: Former U. S. Attorney and New Jersey Governor Christie made an overwhelming case for indicting “Hitlary” Clinton for “high crimes and misdemeanors”. I hope Trump appoints Christie as DOJ Attorney General so he can lock this witch up for treason and crimes under the RICO Act.

Peter Thiel: One of America’s foremost entrepreneurs. Theil’s speech was motivational and empowering. He made a tremendous case for America to return to greatness like JFK’s space program instead of worrying about BS minutia like Obama’s transgender bathrooms. And can you believe Thiel is gay?

Ted Cruz: Former presidential candidate and Texas senator did EXACTLY what I expected. “Lying Ted” broke his promise to support the Republican nominee which revealed his fundamental character flaw – HE LIES! Because his ego got the best of him, Cruz committed political suicide by not endorsing Trump.

That said, Trump also knew Cruz’s vanity would do him in. And that’s why he let him speak at the convention so all could see “Lying Ted’s” deficient character. Trump simply gave Cruz enough rope to hang himself. Trump’s strategy was brilliant and accomplished three key things:

First, it neutralized Cruz running as a third party candidate thus syphoning off votes to deny Trump a win. Second, it eliminated the possibility of a Cruz Supreme Court nomination. And third, it destroyed Cruz’s future political career including his chance to be re-elected to the U. S. Senate for a second term or challenge Trump in the 2020 presidential primary.

The “Cruz Ruse” is finally over. He and Goldman Sachs wife “Heidi Ho” are nothing more than Bush operatives and neocon globalist elite “wannabes”. Now EVERYONE knows it.

Newt Gingrich: Although the focus of former Speaker Gingrich’s speech was national security, he spent several minutes in “damage control” masterfully cleaning up the bucket of crap Cruz left on stage. Afterwards, Newt made the case for real national security under Trump instead of more Clinton chaos.

Mike Pence: Although I’m still not sold on former Congressman and sitting Indiana Governor Pence (due to his past support of neoconservative globalist policies), I must admit he gave an outstanding acceptance speech. But actions speak louder than words…

Donald Trump: “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.” The “star of the show”, that’s all.

Next week, the real carnival in Philly begins. No doubt he Dummycrat Convention will be a “world class” freak show comprised of freeloaders, misfits and useful idiots led by the feline felon, “Hitlary” Clinton. I can’t wait for betrayed Sanders supporters to tear the place up. I can “feel the burn” already…


Only days before the GOP Wisconsin presidential primary and the “Cruz Ruse” express continues at “warp speed”. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his not so new friends in the “establishment” fueling his campaign are doing a full court press to torpedo frontrunner, populist/nationalist Donald Trump. And it appears they’re finally gaining some traction. A majority of polls indicate the freshman senator is leading Trump in Wisconsin by upwards of 7 percent. This may be one of only a few remaining chances the “establishment” has to beat “The Donald”.

Ted Cruz played the role of a constitutional conservative “outsider” exceptionally well in the senate the past few years and almost got away with it. But now he’s fully “out of the closet” – a consummate “insider”. Since publically embracing support of two notable “establishment” LOSERS, namely failed 2012 GOP presidential nominee, mild mannered “Mittens” Romney and drop out 2016 GOP presidential candidate, “low energy” Jeb! Bush, it’s patently obvious “Lying Ted” has the full support of the Washington/Wall Street cabal he claims to despise.

Clearly, Cruz’s demeanor and character have markedly changed concerning Donald Trump. He’s become terribly adversarial and relentlessly lies about him. What’s a mystery to me is why Cruz is doing this. Is he that “power hungry”? Was “Lying Ted” promised a vice presidency by Romney or some other “dark horse” candidate? Or perhaps a Supreme Court seat? I can’t imagine why Cruz aligned himself with the elites he holds in contempt just to derail Trump when he has NO CHANCE of securing the required number of delegates to be the nominee.

But Cruz’s “establishment” support is only temporary. Truth be told, they’re simply using him to “chip away” at frontrunner Donald Trump in their attempt to deny Trump the requisite number of delegates to win the GOP nomination, thus paving the way for an “open” convention they’ll try to control. Once the “establishment” is done with Cruz, they’ll throw him under the bus. It’s clear the neocon globalist elite hate populist/nationalist candidate Trump. What’s not so obvious is they can’t stand Cruz either, largely because of his quirky personality.

As I said in last week’s column, you can tell who someone really is by the people they associate with. And Ted Cruz and wife Heidi have associated with all kinds of “establishment” whores selling out America for years. For starters, their connections to the “Bush Dynasty”, Goldman Sachs and globalist “den of vipers”, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). If Ted Cruz was the “real deal”, he would have completely rejected the financial and public support of Mitt Romney and Jeb! Bush. But he didn’t and that speaks volumes about Cruz’s total lack of character.

That said, only days before voters cast their ballot in the Wisconsin primary and Cruz’s “establishment” funded “propaganda machine” is in high gear. Moreover, the “establishment” owned and operated presstitutes are working 24/7 to subvert, distort and lie on Cruz’s behalf. Anything to derail Trump’s nomination is acceptable, that’s all. In fact, Cruz has stooped so low even the burrowing “Caddyshack” rodent and other “establishment” candidate Governor John Kasich (R-OH) also refers to the junior Texas senator as “Lying Ted”.

The latest media (Make Everyone Dumb In America) hype between Cruz and Trump are pictures of their wives coupled with allegations in the National Enquirer about Cruz’s extramarital affairs. As a “thinking” American, I could give a rat’s ass about this garbage. In fact, I can’t imagine Cruz having sex with anyone. Instead, I’m concerned about national security, American sovereignty and a vibrant economy. The rest is DISTRACTION! Message to Washington: STOP the interventionist neocon foreign policy that’s wasting trillions on endless wars and fueling more terrorism. STOP the Orwellian police/surveillance state and secure our borders. And START negotiating fair trade deals that create good jobs on U. S. soil. Is that too much to ask of one’s “government”? Put AMERICA FIRST or you’re going to be history! Got it “establishment”???

So now is the critical time to fully expose Ted Cruz for the incessant liar and skilled insider he truly is. And by the way, this also applies to Donald Trump if facts reveal he’s not who he says he is either. I’m weary of feckless politicians saying anything to get elected, but once in office end up royally screwing their constituents; which is exactly what both parties have been doing forever it seems.

The latest and most revealing news about “Lying Ted” Cruz is brilliantly summarized in a Daily Caller article April 1 by Roger Stone entitled, “Ted Cruz and the Wall Street Connection” (http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/01/ted-cruz-and-the-wall-street-connection/). Perhaps the most damning information in this piece according to Stone is; “Cruz named former Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) as his economic guru. This guy virtually crashed the U. S. economy. Gramm is largely responsible for two bills which led to the speculative bubble that popped in September 2008. First was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley bill that repealed Glass-Steagall, which separated investment banking from commercial banking. Its repeal signed into law by President Clinton with the backing of former Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Larry Summers opened the door for a flood of money, from commercial banks to flow into mortgage-backed securities and other funny-money schemes which blew-up in 2008. The second bill was the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (CFMA) which totally freed derivative trading from any regulatory oversight. This was another Senator Phil Gramm bill and was central to the bubble creation from 2000 to 2008, and then again today.”

And Cruz is relying on Phil Gramm, the architect of the forthcoming several quadrillion dollar derivative bubble? You’ve got to be kidding!

Ted Cruz, you’re gonna lose because you’ve sold your soul to the devil. In fact you’ve already lost and don’t even know it…


Politics makes “strange bedfellows”. Most of these “alliances” are made for political “expediency” and often reveal the true nature of the politician – like 2016 GOP presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Before Donald Trump entered the race, I felt Cruz had potential. But because I was “intellectually lazy”, he deceived me. I thought Cruz was a conservative nationalist; an “America Firster”. He’s not. Cruz is a neoconservative globalist. I thought Cruz was an outsider. He’s not. Cruz is a consummate insider who’s spent his entire career as a politician and lobbyist representing multinational corporations. I also thought Cruz had character. He doesn’t. “Bible Thumping” Ted incessantly lies, associates with psychos like Glenn Beck and embraces political support from the “establishment” he claims to despise.

Initially, instead of digging into Cruz’s background, I relied on the “wisdom” of various self-proclaimed conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and “false prophet” Glenn Beck who believes Cruz “is the anointed one”. Fox News didn’t help either.

There are few INDEPENDENT conservative media outlets. Most talk radio personalities are “establishment” created and owned. They function as scripted presstitutes – merely “gatekeepers” strategically placed by the elite within the media to protect the “establishment”. When things get “too hot”, they deflect, withhold and lie. The venom spewed by these “gatekeepers” is emotionally charged “right-left” rhetoric designed to divide and confuse the masses.

Ever since Cruz was elected senator, the conservative “gatekeepers” provided him considerable “right-wing” cover. They’ve consistently praised Cruz’s ultra-conservative “performance” as he boldly combated ObamaDoesn’tCare, banker bailouts, and crony capitalism while pissing off most of his “establishment” GOP colleagues. They’ve also exalted Cruz’s stellar conservative voting record as well as his exemplary accomplishments as Texas attorney general heroically fighting for religious liberty and winning key Supreme Court victories prior to being elected senator. Skilled orator and constitutional lawyer Ted Cruz seemed like a conservative’s dream come true. Or is he just another “career politician” owned by the globalist elite in disguise???

Suddenly, my Ted Cruz “awakening” began…

October 15: “Ted Cruz’s Closest Counselors are Neocons” by Joe Wolverton, II; The New American (http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/21764-ted-cruz-s-closest-counsellors-are-neocon-cfr-vips). This ties Cruz to endless wars, bad trade deals and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) he refers to as “a den of snakes” that are undermining American sovereignty.

January 19: Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) passionately endorsed Donald Trump for president. How could this be? Palin wholeheartedly endorsed Cruz for U. S. senator in 2012 when he ran against Texas GOP “establishment” candidate, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. What happened?

February 1: During the Iowa Caucus, Cruz operatives mislead Carson voters into thinking Ben withdrew from the campaign, thus losing him votes. Although he profusely apologized to Carson, a straight-faced Cruz denied any knowledge of the incident even though contrary evidence existed. Former Governors Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Mike Huckabee (R-AR) slammed Cruz for using “dirty tricks”.

February 11: “Cruz App Data Collection Helps Campaign Read Minds of Voters” by Michael Biesecker and Julie Bykowicz; Associated Press (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/2db0fc93cf664a63909e26e708e91c67/cruz-app-data-collection-helps-campaign-read-minds-voters). This ties Cruz to the Orwellian surveillance state he says he so vehemently opposes. Perhaps this is why his campaign manager is Chad Sweet – a former Morgan Stanley VP, CIA operative and co-founder of the Chertoff Group (Michael Chertoff, former DHS secretary).

March 3: Mitt Romney unleashes his “Dump Trump” speech in Utah. As Bishop Romney delivered his fiery sermon, he urged voters; “to support anyone but Trump because that would be in the best interests of the country.” What this “vulture capitalist/corporate raider” really meant was it’s in the best interests of the globalist elite who own the “beltway bandits” in DC that are destroying America.

March 10: “Ted Cruz, a Bush By Another Name” by Roger Stone; Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/10/ted-cruz-a-bush-by-another-name/). This tightly couples Cruz to the “establishment” he professes to loathe. Stone fully exposes Cruz as a hypocrite and fraud; a globalist neocon who’s just another “establishment” operative trying to fool conservative voters. How can Cruz be considered anti-establishment after hiring Jeb!’s brother, Neil Bush who was deeply involved in the 1980’s savings and loan scandal as manager of his campaign finance team?

March 18: Romney disclosed on Facebook he would vote for Cruz in Utah’s caucuses March 22. Not because he “endorses” Cruz; but as an “alternative” to Trump. Romney also implied Governor John Kasich (R-OH) should withdraw and said, “The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention. At this stage, the only way we can reach an open convention is for Senator Cruz to be successful in as many of the remaining nominating elections as possible.”

March 23: Jeb! Bush endorses Cruz for president stating, “For the sake of our party and country, we must move to overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena.” Sound familiar? Like Romney, Bush hates Trump and will go to any length to stop him.

“Establishment” losers like Romney and Bush deceitfully parrot, “There’s a contest between ‘Trumpism’ and ‘Republicanism’.” Really? I don’t think so. Fundamentally it’s a contest of “good vs. evil”; “truth vs. deceit”, “peace vs. endless wars”, “free trade vs. unfair trade”, “jobs vs. no jobs”, “nationalism vs. globalism”. Got it???

You can tell who a person is by the people they surround themselves with. Ted and wife Heidi Cruz have surrounded themselves with “establishment” whores for decades. If Cruz was genuine, he would have flatly rejected the financial and public support of two key “establishment” politicians, Romney and Bush. Cruz’s only value to them is to deny Trump the requisite number of delegates to win the GOP nomination, thus paving the way for an “open” convention that’s really under their control.

So good bye “Lying Ted”; it’s been nice knowin ya!


Mitt Romney is the “kiss of death” for the GOP “establishment” and any Republican candidate currently running for president who is foolish enough to embrace a toxic endorsement from him. Without question, this arrogant and condescending “rich kid” turned “vulture capitalist/corporate raider”, Mitt Romney personifies what most voters detest this election cycle – the elite Washington/Wall Street cabal who truly believe they know what’s best for the American people.

On March 2, elusive 2012 GOP presidential nominee Romney finally crawled out from the rock he’s been hiding under ever since the failed candidate lost the election to despot Barack Hussein Obama several years ago. Early that morning Romney sycophants unloaded an unexpected press release announcing that mild mannered “Mittens” would address the “state of the 2016 presidential race” the following day at the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum. Media sources having advance information claimed the bulk of Romney’s speech would be highly critical of 2016 GOP frontrunner, businessman/entrepreneur Donald Trump. More specifically, “Mittens” would comment about Trump’s character, past business ventures and recent campaign strategy deployed for attaining the necessary delegates to become the 2016 GOP presidential nominee.

And sure enough, on March 3 several hours before unpacking his “high noon” incendiary “Dump Trump” propaganda, Romney’s minions released more excerpts of his planned speech to select “establishment” media outlets further heightening the intrigue of “Mitten’s” forthcoming assault. As a “teaser”, Romney criticized Trump for not releasing his income tax returns, despite the fact that Trump is under IRS audit for the twelfth year in a row and was advised by his tax attorney not to release any documentation until the audit was finalized. Ironically, this same accusation of not releasing taxes was directed at unsuccessful bumbling 2012 GOP “candidate” Romney by none other than former miscreant senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV). Intensifying the controversy further was an additional excerpt alleging that more “bombshells” were hidden in Trump’s tax documents.

The foregoing allegations comprising Romney’s two-day “press release” greased the skids for the main event. And the presstitutes were ecstatic thinking they finally had some dirt on GOP frontrunner Trump. But to their surprise, they didn’t.

So at “high noon”, the former Bain Capital “hedge fund hyena” began his “Dump Trump” onslaught in earnest. And what a show! His “establishment” handlers must have been elated as mild mannered “Mittens” gleefully assumed his role as a twenty first century Judas Iscariot tearing apart “The Donald” who was an ardent Romney supporter in 2012. What character! What loyalty! What a scumbag!

Romney’s scathing attack on Trump’s personal behavior, business performance, and his domestic and foreign policies were HUGE distortions of reality. Romney’s betrayal reached its zenith by calling Trump “a phony, a fraud” and further saying, “He’s playing the American public for suckers and that if we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished”. Shortly after Romney’s rant, Trump masterfully responded citing all of “Mitten’s” lies and dismissing him as a “choke artist” for losing what should have been an easy GOP win during the 2012 presidential election.

Mitt Romney is a liar of the first degree. Truth be told, Donald Trump is the real businessman; not Romney. Trump built BIG things and created countless jobs. Romney was just another “corporate raider”; a Wall Street “vulture capitalist” turned asset stripper forcing companies out of business or to relocate offshore loosing thousands of jobs while creating wealth for a handful of elite insider pals.

Up to this point Romney had not endorsed any candidate. However the crux of his speech was, “anyone but Trump”, clearly indicating the GOP “establishment” is getting real nervous about the traction Trump’s populist/nationalist “movement” has acquired as they ought to be. So Romney’s first public “endorsement” was for the “three amigos” – who are ALL “establishment” creations; “Lying Ted” Cruz, “Little Marco” Rubio and defunct “Lehman Brothers” John Kasich.

At the outset, it was clear Romney’s bogus accusations coupled with his phony “clean cut/nice guy” demeanor was nothing more than sour grapes. Romney was an “absentee” candidate during the last few months of his 2012 campaign and even threw a key debate to despot Obama. An unanimated cowardly candidate, “Mittens” was simply afraid to fight the worst tyrant that ever occupied the Oval Office. He was and still is a “gutless wonder”. And now, he’s trashing our last best hope who’s a real warrior and champion for America – Donald Trump.

Mitt Romney is “an apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Just like his elitist father, Governor George Romney (R-MI), “Mittens” is a JUDAS GOAT. In 1964, Mitt’s father also betrayed GOP voters. He and “establishment” comrade Governor Nelson Rockefeller (R-NY) led the charge to destroy GOP nominee Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) thus paving the way for a Lyndon Johnson presidency. “Mittens” is a pompous “establishment” ass loyal to himself and the elite.

Romney is “THE” penultimate “CON-ARTIST”, not Donald Trump. Romney is a complete PHONY; not Donald Trump. Romney is an incessant LIAR; not Donald Trump. Romney is a BETRAYOR; not Donald Trump. Romney is a big LOSER; Donald Trump is a big WINNER. And “Mittens” is just another failed “establishment” attempt to disrupt and usurp the GOP primary election process so the elite can “anoint” another one of their “sock puppets” at a brokered convention that’s under their control. Good luck!

Yes, Romney is “the kiss of death”. As Trump so eloquently “tweeted”, “Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the man who ‘choked’ and let us down, is now endorsing ‘Lying Ted’ Cruz. And that’s good for me!” Indeed it is Donald…