According to Wikipedia, “projection” is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. This often occurs when someone accuses others what they’re doing and involves “blame shifting”.

An example of this is when the media viciously attacks conservatives or libertarians (while giving a pass to progressives and socialists) and expects their victims not to retaliate. But God forbid if someone like GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump fires back against the “establishment” whores in the government-media complex who lie about him and distort what he says. And afterwards the presstitutes have the nerve to say, “Trump was angry and rude; not us!” Really???

Another example of “projection” is Dummycrat candidate “Hitlary” Clinton accusing Trump of being “close friends” with Russian president Vladimir Putin. In this case, she’s really talking about herself and former “philanderer-in-chief” hubby. This is a HUGE case of “projection” as the entire “Clinton Crime Family” along with globalist billionaire and “funder of chaos” George Soros have been in bed with the “Russian Mafia” for decades. Without question, the Clintons’ are the biggest political “pay-for-play” duet ever; not just in Russia but worldwide.

For years, countless sources have reported the Clintons’ and their billionaire crony capitalist pals made hundreds of millions off the Balkan wars and Russian chaos that ensued after the fall of the U. S. S. R. during the 1990’s. In fact, these miscreants are still making tons of money and most of it is being funneled through an alleged “charitable” organization known as the Clinton Foundation. Truth be told, most everyone who’s anyone in Washington knows this “ruse of the century” is one of the largest global money laundering operations in modern times.

So I was astonished when “Hitlary” accused Donald Trump of being “too cozy” with the Russians again. The events leading up to her most recent accusation occurred the week of the Dummycrat Convention starting with the resignation of former Democrat National Committee (DNC) chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Recall a deluge of hacked DNC emails revealed the disgraced Shultz was in collusion with Clinton at the outset to steal the election from Bernie Sanders. Needless to say, this caused major heartburn at the convention for both “colluders” as it created a firestorm of angry protesters for days. So much for “party unity”…

Although it was later revealed Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks were behind the mass “email dump” that caused the disgraced DNC chair’s resignation, like most politicians Clinton “couldn’t let a good crisis go to waste”. So “Hitlary” immediately blamed Russia for the DNC hack. Then she attacked Trump for “encouraging” the Russians to continue hacking emails after he made the following controversial remarks at a July 27 press conference in Doral, Florida:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you’ll probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”

Clearly, Trump’s comments were cynical. Like a majority of Americans, he’s lost confidence in the corrupt government-media cabal. Trump was referring to “Hitlary’s” deleted emails discussed weeks earlier in FBI Director James Comey’s damning speech concerning her reckless and criminal behavior as Secretary of State. Putting things in perspective, what Trump really meant was, “maybe the Russians could find them since nobody else has”. (News flash for “The Donald”: NSA’s got EVERYTHING on EVERYONE including Clinton!) Lastly, Trump said he doubted Russia had anything to do with the DNC hack in the first place.

“Hitlary” also attacked Trump for not being “tough enough” on the Russians. This prompted a firm response from Trump after the presstitutes kept badgering him for not sufficiently standing up to Putin. Trump made clear all he expects from Putin is respect. Moreover, he said he isn’t looking to create unnecessary conflict with Russia. The “Trump Doctrine” is diametrically opposed to Clinton’s interventionist neocon foreign policy that would likely provoke Putin’s Russia into WW3.

Additionally, there’s no doubt “Hitlary’s” unhappy about Trump and Putin saying they have a mutual respect for each other and would like to work toward a more peaceful world. I guess this trumps (no pun intended) “Hitlary’s” failed 2009 Russian reset. As usual, the “Benghazi Beauty Queen” must spin another web of lies to deflect heat away from her MANY self-induced problems.

In order to counter Clinton’s attempts to “project” her own actions of being “too cozy” with Putin and Russia on Donald Trump, I’ll quote from Peter Schweizer’s 2015 bestseller, “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich”:

From Chapter 3 – “Hillary’s Reset”: “When Hillary was confirmed Secretary of State in 2009, dealing with Putin would become a major part of her job. And the uranium deal in Kazakhstan, whose shareholders were sending tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and also providing speechmaking opportunities for Bill, would set the stage to bring Putin into the cast of characters. The uranium deal that was sealed in 2005 during Bill’s visit to Kazakhstan and then fortified by the 2007 Kazakh-approved merger would soon morph into a third transaction intersecting with some of Hillary’s most consequential and difficult national security decisions as Secretary of State. And there’s no evidence that she disclosed to U. S. government ethics officials, the White House or her cabinet colleagues the apparent conflicts of interests at play as she steered U. S. nuclear policy.”

Peter Schweizer’s bottom line: “Secretary of State Clinton was involved in allowing the transfer of nearly fifty percent of U. S. domestic uranium output to the Russian government, benefiting large donors to the Clinton Foundation.”

Conflict of interest or treason? I say BOTH. “Hillary for Prison 2016” – Alex Jones/Infowars