A year ago, I wrote about, “Obama’s National Security Force”. Following is an update:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” So said Barack Hussein Obama in a speech given several months prior to winning his first term. When I heard this, I wondered, what the hell is this megalomaniac thinking – recreating Hitler’s Gestapo?

Obama’s bizarre speech has been under scrutiny by countless individuals in alternative media and talk radio ever since it was posted on YouTube in mid-2008. Many railed against what they rightly perceived as the tyrant-in-chief’s proposed “brownshirt” agenda for “Amerika”. And it didn’t take long for others to figure out what Obama meant after he became president, particularly in his second term.

Consider the endless hyping of gun violence and police shootings by Obama and the presstitute media:

MORE GUN CONTROL: Any shooting of innocent people is a tragedy. But these incidents occur in a free society. Repeal the Second Amendment and ban all guns from law abiding citizens? Criminals and terrorists will still get them and crime dramatically increases. To think otherwise is naïve. Although gun related crime has declined according to FBI statistics, it’s never reported; nor are the benefits of conceal carry. Instead every incident is sensationalized by the presstitutes. Our Founders embedded the Second Amendment in the Constitution because they ANTICIPATED the need for the citizenry to protect themselves against future tyrannical governments forming in America (like RIGHT NOW). Throughout modern history, ALL dictatorships disarmed the populace to suppress resistance. How can the right to free speech be upheld without the right to bear arms? Remember Hitler, Stalin and Mao? Will despot Obama follow? His January 2016 attack on the Second Amendment by issuing more unconstitutional executive orders further infringe on our God given right to defend ourselves. And with ISIS within America because Obama won’t enforce immigration laws and secure our boarders? Obama is either delusional or treasonous!

DEMONIZTION OF COPS: Obama and his race baiting attorney generals have consistently demonized cops. Ferguson, Baltimore and most recently Chicago provided “opportunities” for Obama’s “community agitators” who “never let a good crisis go to waste”. That’s what Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel said as White House chief of staff. But the upcoming Department of Injustice (DOJ) investigation concerning some questionable Chicago Police Department activities implying a “cover up” by the mayor’s office could prove quite embarrassing for this little “Napoleon”. It’s ironic that Jesse Jackson and Al “not so” Sharpton demanded Rahmbo’s resignation. Obama’s war on local cops is prerequisite to rationalizing the need for a national security force and Chicago may be the “prototype city” for implementation. If this occurs, substantial power would shift from municipal law enforcement to the federal government. And city cops would likely be taking orders from Washington instead of local officials.

Obama caused significant turmoil in many cities by pitting citizens against police. The societal unrest is intended to cause as much lawlessness and disorder as possible, and tie local law enforcement’s hands minimizing their effectiveness. Radical leaders driving this anarchy from the top down send in professional agitators or “agent provocateurs” to provoke the police into isolated acts of brutality so they appear really bad. Outside agitators incite violence in the crowds to diminish the effectiveness of peaceful protestors also. And the complicit presstitutes fuel more unrest. The “endgame” – make people lose faith in the police and demand Washington restore law and order. In fact Al “not so” Sharpton has been ranting about replacing local cops with a federal police force for months.

Contrary to media reports, civil disobedience is seldom a “grassroots” endeavor. Obama and his sycophants foster chaos in the streets and create the PROBLEM. After numerous police and innocent people are hurt or killed, millions of dollars of property is damaged or destroyed, and society is thoroughly disrupted, law abiding citizens provide a REACTION of fear and outrage. Finally, they DEMAND a solution. And Obama is elated to offer one – a NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE. The problem, reaction, solution sequence is from Saul Alinsky’s RULES FOR RADICALS playbook the Obama regime always follows. It is their religion and it’s how they “create a good crisis and never let it go to waste”.

What did Obama mean “to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set”? The most obvious is full implementation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – “Amerika’s” new $700 billion a year NATIONAL SECURITY FORCE. DHS is essentially a FEDERAL POLICE FORCE as it is now tightly coupled into law enforcement at ALL levels. It is also tied into the business and financial communities, and “fusion centers” where “intelligence” is shared. Pervasive NSA spying and omnipresent surveillance cameras provide DHS with the ability to eavesdrop and track virtually everyone’s activities. The federally subsidized militarization of local police and stoking of civil unrest by race baiting politicians provide fertile ground for yet another “Big Brother” takeover.

Who are “we” that Obama the “community disorganizer” refers to? “We” refers to the globalist “shadow government” plutocracy who benefit by controlling our politicians as they transform our American Republic into an Orwellian empire.

If Obama has his way, an “Amerikan” GESTAPO is coming to a police department near you. Why else would the feds have purchased billions of rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammunition? It’s truly unfortunate our corrupt tyrannical leaders view law abiding citizens as terrorists, treat criminals as victims and prevent decent cops from doing their job. Americans must derail this diabolical plan to nationalize local law enforcement or it will be Nazi Germany all over again – only this time it will be on our soil.

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Constitutional conservative, patriot, iconoclast...

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