On November 24, the Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber along the Syrian border using American F-16 fighter jets. A crew of two ejected prior to the plane crashing in Syria. Turkish officials claimed the Russian jet entered their airspace and was warned a dozen times to leave before being shot down. Russian officials said their aircraft never entered Turkish airspace. Regardless of what really happened, the “fly over” did not warrant this type of idiotic retaliatory response from the Turks. For months, the Russians repeatedly stated their mission in Syria was to fight ISIS. They were no threat to Turkey – unless of course, Turkey was involved in some nefarious activity…

Shortly after the shoot down, a pissing contest of international proportion escalated between Turkey and Russia concerning whether or not the Syrian based Russian warplane entered Turkish airspace. Now Turkey is in the oven and Russian President Vladimir Putin is turning up the heat. And this latest foreign policy debacle couldn’t have been more timely – right before Thanksgiving.

As Russian reconnaissance helicopters searched for the crew of the downed aircraft, President Putin accused Turkey of a “stab in the back” and “aiding terrorists”. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov cancelled his Istanbul meeting, the Defense Ministry postponed contracts and a media blitz ensued to discourage Russians from vacationing in Turkey.

Intensifying emotions further, a Syrian Turkmen brigade commander alleged his men shot and killed the Russian crew as they were parachuting to the ground. It was later determined Russian forces rescued the weapons officer, but rebel forces killed the Su-24 pilot and also a Russian marine engaged in the rescue mission. This entire chain of events significantly weakened the already fragile coalition involving Russia to help the West fight the ISIS expansion essentially created and sustained by the West in the first place.

Some dramatic YouTube videos depicting events haven’t helped relations either. Prior to this disaster, alternative media reported a “working agreement” between Russian and Western military forces to cooperate with each other was in the works, having the common goal to take out ISIS.

President Putin has put the Turks “on notice” since the shoot down. Russian officials announced Su-34 fighter jets will escort all future bomber sorties and will carry air-to-air missiles. Further, Russian Su-24’s will also be outfitted with air-to-air missiles. Now both platforms will be fully configured for “dogfighting”.

Russia also deployed S-400 advanced surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems in Syria. These coupled with their Moskva anti-aircraft cruiser in proximity to the coastal Syria-Turkey border using S-300F SAM’s reinforces Russia’s potent response further. The foregoing actions taken by the Russians are HUGE deterrents for Turkey and all potential future adversaries. Putin means business. He doesn’t play the “cross the red line and do nothing” game feckless Obama is known for.

Not since the end of the Korean War has a Russian (then Soviet) warplane been destroyed by Western forces. The last incident was November 1952 when several Soviet MiG-15’s were shot down by a U. S. Navy F9F fighter jet in a dogfight. Ironically, this was the same year an Islamic yet secular Turkey became a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member.

So what the hell is with Turkey? What happened to our “staunch and stable” NATO ally of 63 years? The answer is simple – Turkey has a REALLY, REALLY BAD president just like America does.

Is Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan a suicidal Islamo-fascist having illusions of grandeur wanting to re-establish the Ottoman Empire and Islamic Caliphate? Or is he just another corrupt Washington controlled NATO puppet facilitating the insane foreign policy of the “globalist elite” to remake the Middle-East? I cannot imagine anything positive resulting from Turkey’s “venture into the absurd”. So why did “sultan wannabe” Erdogan do it?

Russia claims their plane was shot down to protect the BLACK MARKET OIL TRADE between TURKEY and ISIS. And independent reports from many alternative media outlets support this. Sources including the Drudge Report (http://www.drudgereport.com/), Infowars (http://www.infowars.com/) and Ron Paul (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/) have reported this for over a year.

But isn’t Turkey our NATO ally and supposed to be FIGHTING ISIS? No; Turkey is the now “head of the snake” and has been protecting ISIS supply lines for some time. Why else would ISIS be flush with cash and drive around in hundreds of new vehicles, and wear “designer” black ski masks and expensive white athletic sneakers? And who gave them their big black flags? Turkey!

The Istanbul sultan and Washington despot are in bed together. ISIS was created by the West as a proxy force to topple Syrian President Assad and was effective until Putin intervened. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama gave Erdogan approval to shoot down the Russian jet either.

Obama lied about ISIS and used delay tactics to postpone fighting them until Putin challenged him. Why else would Obama insist our Air Force pilots drop leaflets warning ISIS to exit their vehicles and flea Turkish supply lines before they’re bombed? Why else would Obama say “climate change” is more important than eradicating ISIS? Former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morrell recently told establishment “talking head” Charlie Rose; “Obama didn’t want to bomb ISIS controlled oil fields because it might contribute to climate change”. Shouldn’t the oil fields be disabled so ISIS can’t get oil to fund their despicable evil? Doesn’t ISIS behead those who refuse to embrace their satanic death cult? Isn’t ISIS our immediate threat? If America fought WW2 this way, most of us wouldn’t be here.

Washington foreign policy is treasonous and our leaders are traitors. Create a terrible enemy and pretend to destroy it? Even “chickenhawk” neocons are backing away from this lunacy. Perhaps Chef Putin will stuff the Obama regime inside Erdogan’s Turkey – and REALLY TURN UP THE HEAT.